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Dizideki verileri rastgele sıralama

Dizideki verileri rastgele sıralama

' Kaynak: http://aspfaqs.com/webtech/110800-1.shtml
' This function randomly reorders the
' array aArray using a quick and dirty
' approach... It's fast!
Function ReOrderArrayQuickNDirty(ByVal aArray)

Dim iUpper, iLower, iLoop, iSwapPos, varTmp
iUpper = UBound(aArray)
iLower = LBound(aArray)

Randomize Timer

'Loop through the array, randomly swapping values
For iLoop = iLower to iUpper
'Get an array index to swap
iSwapPos = Int(Rnd * (iUpper + 1))

'Swap the current element with the element at iSwapPos
varTmp = aArray(iLoop)
aArray(iLoop) = aArray(iSwapPos)
aArray(iSwapPos) = varTmp

ReOrderArrayQuickNDirty = aArray 'Return the jumbled array
End Function

Dim aSites
ReDim aSites(2)

aSites(0) = "4GuysFromRolla.com"
aSites(1) = "ASPMessageboard.com"
aSites(2) = "ASPFAQs.com"

'Display the array in-order
Dim iLoop
For iLoop = LBound(aSites) to UBound(aSites)
Response.Write aSites(iLoop) & "<BR>"
response.write "<P>"

'Jumble up the array and display the new, random order!
aSites = ReOrderArrayQuickNDirty(aSites)
For iLoop = LBound(aSites) to UBound(aSites)
Response.Write aSites(iLoop) & "<BR>"

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