Üye Kayıt Üye Giriş

Cdonts İle Mail Göndermek

Cdonts İle Mail Göndermek

<!---form sayfası kodları--->

' Coding By Thomas Keatings
' All components of this website are subject to copyright
' For permission and advice on using this code contact admin@neonred.co.uk

<style type="text/css">
.style1 {
color: #FFFFFF;
font-weight: bold;

<form method="POST" action="send_mail.asp">
<table width="427" border="1" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="#990000">
<tr bordercolor="#CC0000" bgcolor="#990000">
<td colspan="2"><div align="center"><span class="style5 style1 style1">Contact Form </span></div></td>
<tr bordercolor="#990000" bgcolor="#FFFFCE">
<td width="150"><div align="right"><span class="style4">Your Name:</span></div></td>
<td width="259"><input name="txtName" type="text" id="txtName" size="35"></td>
<tr bordercolor="#990000" bgcolor="#FFFFCE">
<td><div align="right"><span class="style4">Your Email Address:</span></div></td>
<td><input name="txtEmail" type="text" id="txtEmail" size="35"></td>
<tr bordercolor="#990000" bgcolor="#FFFFCE">
<td><div align="right"><span class="style4">Reason you are contacting me: </span></div></td>
<td><select name="lstReason" id="lstReason">
<option>Regarding this Website</option>
<tr bordercolor="#990000" bgcolor="#FFFFCE">
<td><div align="right"><span class="style4">Comment:</span></div></td>
<td><textarea name="txfComments" cols="35" rows="6" id="txfComments"></textarea></td>
<tr bordercolor="#990000" bgcolor="#FFFFCE">
<td colspan="2"><div align="center"><font face="Verdana" size="1"><br>
Please double check for spelling errors before submitting your details. <br>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit Form">
<input type="reset" name="Submit2" value="Reset Form">



<!---send_mail.asp kodları--->
<% Option Explicit %>

' Coding By Thomas Keatings
' All components of this website are subject to copyright
' For permission and advice on using this code contact admin@neonred.co.uk

DIM strName, strEmail, strReason, strComments, Mailer
strName = request.form("txtName")
strEmail =request.form("txtEmail")
strReason =request.form("lstReason")
strComments =request.form("txfComments")

Set Mailer =Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
Mailer.From = strEmail
Mailer.Subject ="Enter The Subject of the email here"
Mailer.To ="you@yourdomain.co.uk"
Mailer.Body = "This is an email generated by your online form." &"<br>" &"<br>" & _
"<b>Name: </b>" & strName &"<br>" & _
"<b>Email Address: </b>" &strEmail &"<br>" & _
"<b>Reson For Contacting: </b>" &strReason &"<br>" & _
"<b>Comments: </b>" &strComments &"<br>"

Set Mailer = nothing

strName = request.form("txtName")
Response.Write strName

<P>Your message has been successfully sent.</P>

Bilgisayar Dershanesi Ders Sahibi;
Bilgisayar Dershanesi


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